Wellbeing Independence Partnership 01952 916030
Our in-person phone line is open 9am-4:30pm Mon-Fri with a 24 hour voicemail service outside these times
email: wip@tandwcvs.org.uk

WiP ‘The Go to Service’

Wellbeing Independence Partnership is a consortium of agencies including Age UK, All Age Carers Centre and Taking Part who work together to provide information, advise and guidance to people with adult social care needs and their unpaid carers.
Our specialist practitioners work as a Multi-Agency Team supporting people to live well closer to their own homes.
If you require first time help or are unsure what help is available, Wellbeing Independence Partnership (WIP) will assist you to access information, advice and guidance.
We support people with a range of needs including:
Learning Disabilities
Mental Health
Older People
Sensory Impairment
Stroke and physical disabilities
All age carers
We provide friendly confidential information via face to face meetings, email, out in community places, by phones and at our offices at Hazledine House, Central Square, Town Centre, Telford, TF3 4JL.
We provide information and advice on:
Informal carers services, adult and children
Welfare Benefits for carers and cared for
Community care
Services to promote and support independence
Personal budgets\Paying for care
Support and coping strategies for dealing with long term health conditions
Non-verbal customers can get in touch with the WIP service via email and one of our team will be able to assist you with your enquiry.